Tips for Making More from Nonprofit Mailing

Tips for nonprofits looking to get more from direct mail

Direct mail isn’t dead. It never was, it isn’t, and it never will be. For nonprofits (as well as others), direct mail delivers open rates that’d make an email marketer swoon, response rates that dwarf all other forms of communication, and retention measured in days or weeks, not seconds.

So if you’re a nonprofit, don’t underestimate the impact—especially when it works so well and the USPS offers many of you the opportunity to mail at special nonprofit rates.

Following our last article on why direct mail remains the most effective tool for nonprofit organizations and in anticipation of our upcoming webinar, today, we’re offering a few tips on how to get more from a nonprofit direct mail campaign.

Creativity Never Hurt Anyone

“If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” Or, in your case, the David Ogilvy quote might be, “if it doesn’t fundraise, it isn’t creative.” Either way, a well-written, psychologically appealing, and attractive mailpiece is probably the most important part of running a successful direct mail campaign.

Layouts, photo choices, headlines, and calls to action should be scientifically selected. Here are just some tips for better conversations (and more conversions):

  • Personalize: People like seeing their names on a mailpiece. They also like to know that you created something especially for them. Personalization throughout a piece makes that happen.

  • Create Urgency: Procrastination often results in non-action. How many of your donors have said they’ll wait until the end of the year and never act? Too many. Create a sense of urgency and you’ll find your message turns out more compelling.

  • Brevity Matters: There’s a reason this blog writer doesn’t write direct mail copy. But if you can get from introduction to CTA with as little friction as possible, your donors will appreciate it and take action.

  • So Does Clarity: What are you asking for and why are you asking for it? Give people a reason to act. Tell them what you need. Help them understand where the money is going.

  • Focus: You’d be shocked how often a campaign goes scatterbrained. If clarity matters, so does being concise. If you’re building a new school, don’t veer off into feeding children.

Bonus: Never Stop Testing

There is no such thing as perfect copy or design. But there is usually one that’s more impactful. And one way to find out which one is better is to employ A/B testing.

And with Variable Data Print, you can change every element, including headlines, body copy, images, and more to find out what works. Whether you’re testing two elements or twenty, the right print partner should be flexible enough to help you create what you want. And by including a QR code, link tracking, and the like, you can find out what works best.

Tell the Story

For nonprofit organizations, one of the best ways to engage your audience is to tell a good story. It’s an effective way to tell donors where their money is going. It’s an equally useful way to help current members use your services.

From charitable organizations to philanthropic ones, the right story can make connections in a way that combines emotion with rational thinking. A recent article from the National Council of Nonprofits sums it up perfectly:

  • Storytelling humanizes the work you do: Nothing beats a real story highlighting a real impact. From words to photos to charts, a real example of a donor’s efforts can drive a real, emotional, human connection.

  • Storytelling helps you create advocacy: People like to talk about how they’re helping. And telling a donor that their impact will give them the opportunity to tell their friends about your organization.

  • Stories are memorable: While a potential donor may not know your exact mission, they will remember the video they saw telling the story of a local family experiencing job loss and food insecurity who found resources at your food pantry.

  • Stories create trust: Everyone has access to your Form 990 information. Not many of them understand what the information means (and why overhead isn’t always bad). But an actual story of who you’ve helped and how you did it can establish trust.  

Good Hygiene Makes Lists Do More

No matter how much good you do or how effective your stories, they still need to find their audience. And that’s why a hygienic mailing list is an effective mailing list. So that all the great content you write reaches the right people. And doesn’t end up in the shredder.

Did you know that the USPS has received more than 100 billion pieces of undeliverable mail in the past 15 years? Did you know that they’ve shredded roughly two-thirds of it? And did you know that your failure to keep an up-to-date mailing list could cost you $0.08 per piece?

Undeliverable mail is mail that doesn’t do its job. A shredded letter isn’t giving you the opportunity to raise funds. It’s simply money you spent on glorified confetti.

Luckily, there are a variety of ways to keep your mailing list hygienic both before and after the mailing. From simply cleaning your CRM to remove unlikely donors to using National Change of Address databases or leveraging Address Correction Services, there are many effective ways to keep your mailing list clean.

Don’t Ignore Discounts

Nonprofits already receive significant savings over their for-profit counterparts. But did you know that there are additional levels of savings available to you for sending technologically advanced, integrated, sustainable, or even interestingly textured mailpieces?

An annual tradition, USPS Promotions and Incentives are the USPS’ way to encourage mailers to ‘change up their mail’ and embrace things that could add value. For example, 2024 has been host to a variety of easy ways to save money including things such as Informed Delivery, Tactile, Sensory, & Interactive, Emerging Technology, and more.

2025 looks to be just as exciting. And as playbooks are released, we’ll be sure to learn more. But here are just some of the things coming together in 2025.

  • Though nothing is confirmed, the Integrated Technology promotion might offer nonprofit mailers discounts on fundraising.

  • Tactile, Sensory, & Interactive will offer a discount for incorporating unique textures, smells, or looks.

  • Informed Delivery, despite changing from promotion to add-on, will provide an extra percent off when combined with other promotions. Same goes for the use of sustainable paper.

You can learn more about these upcoming promotions in a recent blog post—or sign up for our upcoming webinar to get a deeper understanding of what’s on the horizon.

Follow the Rules

One of the most important—and often challenging—parts of nonprofit mailing is keeping up with the rules the United States Postal Service sets for doing so.

Despite being afforded a special cutout within Marketing Mail to send Letters and Flats including newsletters, brochures, postcards, fundraising appeals, educational materials, event Invitations, and more, there are also special rules to follow.

Nonprofit Marketing Mail is governed by a variety of publications and rules, offering both requirements and recommendations throughout the registration and mailing process.

From registration to identification, preparation, and design, the right steps can help you remain compliant with the complexities that exist. An incorrect approach can leave you paying regular Marketing Mail prices—or worse, find out that every Flat you sent has gotten billed as a Parcel.

Join Us on September 17 to Learn More

If you’re looking to understand the nuances and complexities of mailing requirements for nonprofits, we’re thrilled to announce a webinar just for you. Titled Mailing Requirements and Postage Savings Opportunities for Nonprofit Organizations, our Director of Postal Affairs Leanne Herman will explain everything you need to know about nonprofit mailing, including:

  • What Goes into Nonprofit Mail?

  • Unique Requirements, Regulations, and Challenges That Exist in Nonprofit Mail

  • How Do You Obtain Nonprofit Mailer Authorization?

  • The Nuances of Nonprofit Identification

  • A Discussion on Payment Methods and Permits

  • Nonprofit Authorization CRIDs

  • The Upcoming Promotions & Incentives That Could Save You Even More

Ready to learn more and register? Simply fill out a bit of information here and we’ll get you started.

Sepire: Helping Nonprofits Mail Smarter Since the Beginning

Whether you’re looking to improve fundraising, drive member engagement, or simply create deeper connections with your audience, direct mail remains one of the most cost effective and efficient ways to do so. And we can help.

Specialists in secure print, direct mail, and omnichannel communications, we help nonprofit organizations save money, maintain good data hygiene, and create meaningful connections.

Get to know more about our nonprofit expertise, take a look at our case studies, and drop us a line to get started.



Sepire to Sponsor Greater Illinois PCC Day September 25, 2024


How Direct Mail Helps Nonprofits Better Achieve Missions