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Sepire Webinar: USPS Mail Growth Initiative: What Every Mailer Needs to Know

Last September, two distinct Mail Growth Incentives were approved, established, and announced. With input from stakeholders, approval by the Postal Regulatory Commission, and encouragement from the Postal Service, the Mail Growth Incentives program provides an opportunity for mail owners to save money by increasing the volume of First-Class Mail, Marketing Mail, or both.

With a 30 percent credit available for every piece that you send beyond your baseline (with caveats), this could be big for your direct mail marketing or communications initiatives.

But here’s the thing. Time is running out to register. And we can assure you that you do not want to wait for the last minute.

If you’d like to learn how to understand the registration process, baseline calculation and dispute process, and other complexities to plan for before the June 30 registration deadline, join us on June 11, 2024.

June 2

Sepire Team at National Postal Forum 2024

June 20

Learn with Leanne: Chicago PCC Mailpiece Design Workshop (SOLD OUT)